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North London Car Sounds
The countries leading Piranha remote specialists

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We have shown a GREY casing with a rubber button, if your casing is BLACK then it is probably a DTI type. Please open your remote and check the Circuit board against the picture above

Some casings are shared by other printed circuit boards so please look at your PCB not the casing to identify your remote

The image above shows the TR7 remote control. These were normally associated with units shown below.  The label is on the back of the circuit board. This is the code that you must supply to us. Please ensure that you supply all the information, example code above is 6515 e IS and quote Type TR7 On this type of remote it is essential that you tell us if it is one or two button type.

One and two button casings are available as spare parts.

Click on image to enlarge


Click here to see code label

The image above on the left shows two grey 616 units and a red 631N unit. The image on the right shows the 914 type modular alarm (this has a separate siren or horn under the bonnet. The most popular models were 616 and 918, the 91 series had  a louder 127db siren and can be distinguished by a grey speaker. The 61 series had a red end siren speaker.  The 61, 913 and 914 units were one button and the 91 series units were two button. These units were produced from 1988 to about 1991. We do have some spare parts available with plenty of  remote controls (see above) and locks with keys.

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For details of our fixed price remote control repair service click here

No substitutes
We only supply genuine Piranha remotes

V.S.I.B Accredited Installers