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North London Car Sounds
The countries leading Piranha alarm specialists

This page contains information about Code Labels

The following images show the manufacturers label which will contain the model number which is shown as ART  Also shown is the CODE number which in most cases is at the bottom of the label and the date of manufacture. The number at the top of the label is a serial number which is of no use at all and does not help us identify a unit. 

Click on image to enlarge

One of the most confusing pieces of information is shown on the label of the unit below. You will see that on the ART label is written the letters Cod and then a number. This is NOT the CODE number please do not quote that number.

Late units which had an ART starting with CS used a self learning remote and this will not have a code number on the label as the remote control is coded to the alarm using a special procedure.

If you do not have an existing remote control and any of the information is missing from the manufacturers label then please Contact us

For details of our fixed price remote control repair service click here

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V.S.I.B Accredited Installers